An Important Message From The Rock Church

We are sure many of you are wondering how we will be responding to the Corona Virus and the course of action that our government is asking that we follow to help with this situation.

After prayer and discussion, The Rock Elder board has determined that we as a church will not have our weekly small groups or programming. At our last meeting we allocated funds to get our church’s live streaming capabilities up and running.

Our Sunday service will be a live stream only and will be available on Facebook or on The Rock Church website Home Page. If you are unable to view the live video stream, our regular live audio stream is also available via our web site. We will continue with this for the next two Sunday’s and then evaluate the situation to formulate a plan for how we will move forward from there.

We are taking this course of action for a couple of reasons. One is that our president has made a request that groups of larger than ten people not meet together. We have also been asked to participate in a 15-day protocol to help stem the tide of the Corona Virus.

We are not making this decision based in fear, but in love, believing that the best way to love our neighbors at this time is by participating with our government and medical advisors in the effort to guard the more vulnerable in our community.

We also are mandated to follow our governing authorities, understanding that submitting to those authorities is submission to God because God has appointed the leaders of the nations (Romans 13:1-7) Most of the churches in our area and in our PUIC (Pastors United in Christ) group are taking this same course of action. I have had fellowship with these pastors and all attending the meeting this morning are in agreement.

We will be keeping in closer contact than usual through email, Facebook, and our Rock Church App. We are committed to doing all that is possible to support and provide spiritual guidance for each of you in our congregation and those in our community in need.

We are available to talk and pray over the phone or meet one-on-one should you feel the need. We will continue to be in tune to the needs within our community and ready as a church to help meet as many as possible. If you need someone to shop for you or meals prepared for you, please call us or the church and we will assist you. If you happen to have an abundance of something and would like to share, we will help distribute.

We recognize that the implications from all that is going on are far-reaching and we will be prepared to meet needs well into the future. Paul reminds us to be anxious for nothing, but in all things through prayer and supplication, to make our requests known to God and the peace that surpasses all understanding will guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.

Praying that each of us will be ready to share the hope that lives in us; the uncertainty and chaos of our present world will be an open door to share the message of the cross with our neighbors. It is our prayer that this will be a short interruption to our normal worship weeks and that we will get back to usual very soon.

Please stay in prayer, asking God’s healing for so many around us. We truly regret that we will not have face to face fellowship for the next few weeks, however, we believe that this is a decision that can save lives and therefore a small sacrifice for a greater purpose. In the meantime, draw near to God and He will draw near to you (James 4:8). Be Jesus’s hands and feet. We are confident that God will move powerfully in this time.


Tri/Mike & The Rock Elder board

  • Tri 307-751-8225
  • Mike 307-752-1899
  • Corey Jost
  • Ben Keller
  • Chad Baker
  • Jeremy Zebroski
  • Thomas Bushnell